The first step is the hardest. Let us help.

Founded in 1983, the Center for Eating Disorders (CED) marks 40 years of serving our Southeast Michigan community and beyond. A pioneering program in the field of eating disorders, CED offers telehealth-based outpatient treatment, education, support, and referral services to children, adolescents, adults, and families affected by eating and body image disorders including anorexia nervosa, BED (binge eating disorder), bulimia, ARFID, OSFED, and related anxiety, depression, OCD, and trauma.

Free 10 minute video consultation now available. To schedule a free video consultation, an appointment, or for further information call us at 734-668-8585 or email A member of our clinical team will respond within one business day.


Michigan-based telehealth services

CED maintained a brick and mortar presence in downtown Ann Arbor since it was founded. However, in response to the impact of the recent public health crisis, we transitioned to telehealth-based services. Our clients and their families have responded very well to the privacy and flexibility provided by telehealth-delivered treatment; and we have been pleased to see that the virtual platform extends access to our services to people across our entire state of Michigan.

To maintain a physical footprint in downtown Ann Arbor, CED has affiliated with the NEW Center (Non-Profit Enterprise At Work) Center located at 1100 North Main Street in Ann Arbor, a community organization created to support, develop, and provide services for local non-profits.

While treatment and other programs will continue via telehealth, CED educational and training workshops will be offered periodically at the NEW Center location.

Learn More
Updates and Announcements


Beginning March 6 - Every Thursday evening in March via Zoom 7:30pm - 8:30pm ET

APRIL 2- 4, 2025

Visit here to register and for more information

This two-day conference will educate and demonstrate how IFS (Internal Family Systems) can be a powerful approach in the treatment of children, teens and adults with eating disorders. 

Includes presentations by renowned experts, including CED’s Amy Pershing along with Dr. Richard Schwartz, Dr. Jeanne Catanzaro, Theresa Chesnut, Chevese Turner, Amy Pershing, Aaron Flores, Marcella Cox, Iness Panni, Dr. Angela Mensa, Dr. Wendy Oliver-Pyatt, Dr. Erikka Dzirasa Taylor, Shelley Aggarwal, Wendy Sterling, Signe Dapinian, Dr. Lesley Williams and Joan Zhang.

Limited evening hours now available with Clinical Specialist Melanie Garzonio. To schedule an evening appointment call 734-668-8585 or email

Meet the Clinical Team

Judith Banker

MA, LLP, FAED, Founder and President of CED

Amy Pershing

LMSW, ACSW, Vice President of CED; Founding Director, Bodywise

Suzanne Dooley-Hash

M.D., Research Consultant

Meret Flessenkämper

MA, Mindful Movement Specialist, Recovery Support Specialist


Melanie Garzonio

MA LPC, Clinical Specialist

Amanda Harris

MA, LLP, Clinical Specialist

Joy Mulrath

LMSW, Lead Clinical Consultant, Hungerwise

Kristina Tate

MPH, RDN, Dietetics and Nutrition Specialist


Amanda Villescas

RD, Dietetics and Nutrition Specialist

Sarah Vlnka

LMSW, Clinical Specialist